
Free hello neighbor online game
Free hello neighbor online game

free hello neighbor online game

You have no idea how to orient in your neighbor’s house, and you will do several mistakes while exploring it. You decide to learn whether your neighbor really has a secret, or it is a play of your imagination, and you are ready to do everything it takes. This is a horror story, and you will see this from the very beginning. He hears strange sounds from neighbor’s basement, and he will reveal this secret, or die, in new part Hello Neighbor Beta 3.

free hello neighbor online game free hello neighbor online game

He tries to make friends with everyone around him, but one neighbor is very strange, and your character wants to know more about him. Look for the most inconspicuous places to hide when he is too close.How often do you travel? How often do you change places of living? Are you always happy for the neighbors you get? Our character has just moved into a new apartment into a new district, and he knows nobody in this place. Be very careful as the bloodthirsty owner is back now and is trying to find you.

free hello neighbor online game

Do not forget you are an uninvited guest, and the enemy is just waiting for the moment to grab you and punish you! There are many thrilling puzzles you need to solve if you want to remain alive. Moreover, you must complete a lot of quests if you want to escape the meeting with your opponent. You will have to explore everything around you – some objects may hide useful tips. The house is literally packed with all sorts of traps and obstacles! Now your life is in danger too, unless you find a way to avoid them all and still reach the basement. You will soon discover that your neighbor is not so stupid as you thought! He knew well about your plans and prepared for your visit in advance. He does not know yet what a nightmare awaits him ahead! So the hero waits for a moment when the neighbor leaves, and sneaks inside his dwelling through the broken window. But how to prove that his suspicions are not groundless? There is only one way to put an end to it – you must help him get inside that house and check by yourself whether everything is fine there. So he starts spying on his neighbor and soon, he is more than sure that he is hiding something in his house. The main character is too curious to ignore it. What can be the reason for this strange behavior. He dreams of meeting new people and making friends with them! But the hero has failed when he tries to approach the man who lives next door to him. Of course, the first thing he is going to do is to get acquainted with his new neighbors. You play for a young man who has just arrived in a new town and moved into a new house.

Free hello neighbor online game